Referred Journal Publications

  1. From Triumph to Uncertainty: The Journey of Software Engineering in the AI Era

    ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM)

    Over the last ten years, the realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has experienced an explosion of revolutionary breakthroughs,transforming what seemed like a far-off dream into a reality that is now deeply embedded in our everyday lives. AI’s widespread impact is revolutionizing virtually all aspects of human life, and software engineering (SE) is no exception. As we explore this changing landscape, we are faced with questions about what the future holds for SE and how AI will reshape the roles, duties, and methodologies within the field. The introduction of these groundbreaking technologies highlights the inevitable shift towards a new paradigm, suggesting a future where AI’s capabilities may redefine the boundaries of SE, potentially even more than human input. In this paper, we aim at outlining the key elements that, based on our expertise, are vital for the smooth integration of AI into SE, all while preserving the intrinsic human creativity that has been the driving force behind the field. First, we provide a brief description of SE and AI evolution. Afterward, we delve into the intricate interplay between AI-driven automation and human innovation, exploring how these two components can work together to advance SE practices to new methods and standards.


  1. Code Review Automation: Strengths and Weaknesses of the State of the Art

    IEEE Transaction on Software Engineering (TSE)

    The automation of code review has been tackled by several researchers with the goal of reducing its cost. The adoption of deep learning in software engineering pushed the automation to new boundaries, with techniques imitating developers in generative tasks, such as commenting on a code change as a reviewer would do or addressing a reviewer’s comment by modifying code. The performance of these techniques is usually assessed through quantitative metrics, e.g. , the percentage of instances in the test set for which correct predictions are generated, leaving many open questions on the techniques’ capabilities. For example, knowing that an approach is able to correctly address a reviewer’s comment in 10% of cases is of little value without knowing what was asked by the reviewer: What if in all successful cases the code change required to address the comment was just the removal of an empty line? In this paper we aim at characterizing the cases in which three code review automation techniques tend to succeed or fail in the two above-described tasks. The study has a strong qualitative focus, with ~105 man-hours of manual inspection invested in manually analyzing correct and wrong predictions generated by the three techniques, for a total of 2,291 inspected predictions. The output of this analysis are two taxonomies reporting, for each of the two tasks, the types of code changes on which the experimented techniques tend to succeed or to fail, pointing to areas for future work. A result of our manual analysis was also the identification of several issues in the datasets used to train and test the experimented techniques. Finally, we assess the importance of researching in techniques specialized for code review automation by comparing their performance with ChatGPT, a general purpose large language model, finding that ChatGPT struggles in commenting code as a human reviewer would do.


  1. Log Statements Generation via Deep Learning: Widening the Support Provided to Developers

    Elsevier Journal of Software and Systems (JSS)

    Logging assists in monitoring events that transpire during the execution of software. Previous research has highlighted the challenges confronted by developers when it comes to logging, including dilemmas such as where to log, what data to record, and which log level to employ (e.g., info, fatal). In this context, we introduced LANCE, an approach rooted in deep learning (DL) that has demonstrated the ability to correctly inject a log statement into Java methods in ~15% of cases. Nevertheless, LANCE grapples with two primary constraints: (i) it presumes that a method necessitates the inclusion of logging statements and; (ii) it allows the injection of only a single (new) log statement, even in situations where the injection of multiple log statements might be essential. To address these limitations, we present LEONID, a DL-based technique that can distinguish between methods that do and do not require the inclusion of log statements. Furthermore, LEONID supports the injection of multiple log statements within a given method when necessary, and it also enhances LANCE's proficiency in generating meaningful log messages through the combination of DL and Information Retrieval (IR).
  2. Automated Variable Renaming: Are We There Yet?

    Springer Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE)

    Identifiers, such as method and variable names, form a large portion of source code. Therefore, low-quality identifiers can substantially hinder code comprehension. To support developers in using meaningful identifiers, several (semi-)automatic techniques have been proposed, mostly being data-driven (e.g. statistical language models, deep learning models) or relying on static code analysis. Still, limited empirical investigations have been performed on the effectiveness of such techniques for recommending developers with meaningful identifiers, possibly resulting in rename refactoring operations. We present a large-scale study investigating the potential of data-driven approaches to support automated variable renaming. We experiment with three state-of-the-art techniques: a statistical language model and two DL-based models. The three approaches have been trained and tested on three datasets we built with the goal of evaluating their ability to recommend meaningful variable identifiers. Our quantitative and qualitative analyses show the potential of such techniques that, under specific conditions, can provide valuable recommendations and are ready to be integrated in rename refactoring tools. Nonetheless, our results also highlight limitations of the experimented approaches that call for further research in this field.
  3. Using Transfer Learning for Code-Related Tasks

    IEEE Transaction on Software Engineering (TSE)

    Deep learning (DL) techniques have been used to support several code-related tasks such as code summarization and bug-fixing. In particular, pre-trained transformer models are on the rise, also thanks to the excellent results they achieved in Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. The basic idea behind these models is to first pre-train them on a generic dataset using a self-supervised task (e.g, filling masked words in sentences). Then, these models are fine-tuned to support specific tasks of interest (e.g, language translation). A single model can be fine-tuned to support multiple tasks, possibly exploiting the benefits of transfer learning. This means that knowledge acquired to solve a specific task (e.g, language translation) can be useful to boost performance on another task (e.g, sentiment classification). While the benefits of transfer learning have been widely studied in NLP, limited empirical evidence is available when it comes to code-related tasks. In this paper, we assess the performance of the Text-To-Text Transfer Transformer (T5) model in supporting four different code-related tasks: (i) automatic bug-fixing, (ii) injection of code mutants, (iii) generation of assert statements, and (iv) code summarization. We pay particular attention in studying the role played by pre-training and multi-task fine-tuning on the model's performance. We show that (i) the T5 can achieve better performance as compared to state-of-the-art baselines; and (ii) while pre-training helps the model, not all tasks benefit from a multi-task fine-tuning.


  1. An Empirical Study on the Usage of Transformer Models for Code Completion

    IEEE Transaction on Software Engineering (TSE)

    Code completion aims at speeding up code writing by predicting the next code token(s) the developer is likely to write. Works in this field focused on improving the accuracy of the generated predictions, with substantial leaps forward made possible by deep learning (DL) models. However, code completion techniques are mostly evaluated in the scenario of predicting the next token to type, with few exceptions pushing the boundaries to the prediction of an entire code statement. Thus, little is known about the performance of state-of-the-art code completion approaches in more challenging scenarios in which, for example, an entire code block must be generated. We present a large-scale study exploring the capabilities of state-of-the-art Transformer-based models in supporting code completion at different granularity levels, including single tokens, one or multiple entire statements, up to entire code blocks (e.g., the iterated block of a for loop). We experimented with several variants of two recently proposed Transformer-based models, namely RoBERTa and the Text-To-Text Transfer Transformer (T5), for the task of code completion. The achieved results show that Transformer-based models, and in particular the T5, represent a viable solution for code completion, with perfect predictions ranging from ~29%, obtained when asking the model to guess entire blocks, up to ~69%, reached in the simpler scenario of few tokens masked from the same code statement.


  1. An Adaptive Search Budget Allocation Approach for Search-Based Test Case Generation

    ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM)

    Search-based techniques have been successfully used to automate test case generation. Such approaches allocate a fixed search budget to generate test cases aiming at maximizing code coverage. The search budget plays a crucial role; due to the hugeness of the search space, the higher the assigned budget, the higher the expected coverage. Code components have different structural properties that may affect the ability of search-based techniques to achieve a high coverage level. Thus, allocating a fixed search budget for all the components is not recommended and a component-specific search budget should be preferred. However, deciding the budget to assign to a given component is not a trivial task. In this article, we introduce Budget Optimization for Testing (BOT), an approach to adaptively allocate the search budget to the classes under test. BOT requires information about the branch coverage that will be achieved on each class with a given search budget. Therefore, we also introduce BRANCHOS, an approach that predicts coverage in a budget-aware way. The results of our experiments show that (i) BRANCHOS can approximate the branch coverage in time with a low error, and (ii) BOT can significantly increase the coverage achieved by a test generation tool and the effectiveness of generated tests.


Peer-reviewed Conference Publications

  1. Optimizing Datasets for Code Summarization: Is Code-Comment Coherence Enough?

    IEEE/ACM 33nd International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC'25)

    When comprehending code, a helping hand may come from the natural language comments documenting it that, Automated code summarization is a long-standing goal for code comprehension. This task automatically generates documentation using a given method. Deep Learning (DL)-based approaches have been proven beneficial for various software engineering (SE) tasks, including this one. Most state-of-the-art datasets for code summarization are automatically mined from GitHub and, thus, might contain erroneous or sub-optimal examples. Previous work showed that using a simple rule-based approach for removing noisy instances allows for a tangible reduction of the training set size while not reducing the effectiveness of the trained models. Motivated by this finding, we conjecture that it is possible to further reduce the dataset size by removing instances that contain different issues. In this paper, we explore the extent to which code-comment coherence, a specific quality attribute of code summaries, can be used to optimize code summarization datasets. Specifically, we hypothesize that removing incoherent code-comment pairs might positively impact the effectiveness of the models. To do this, we rely on SIDE, a recently introduced metric for code-summary coherence. We examine multiple selectivity levels of training instances from two state-of-the-art datasets (TL-CodeSum and Funcom) and evaluate the resulting models on three manually curated test sets. The results show that even halving the training set sizes does not significantly affect the model's ability to generate summaries. However, when comparing the most restrictive selection strategy with a simpler one that randomly selects the training instances, we observe that the resulting accuracy of the model also does not change. This result suggests that (i) current datasets contain many irrelevant examples, and (ii) different quality attributes should be explored for optimizing code summarization datasets.
  2. Toward Neurosymbolic Program Comprehension

    IEEE/ACM 33nd International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC'25 ERA TRACK)

    Recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) have paved the way for Large Code Models (LCMs), enabling automation in complex software engineering tasks, such as code generation, software testing, and program comprehension, among others. Tools like GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT have shown substantial benefits in supporting developers across various practices. However, the ambition to scale these models to trillion-parameter sizes, exemplified by GPT-4, poses significant challenges that limit the usage of Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based systems powered by large Deep Learning (DL) models. These include rising computational demands for training and deployment and issues related to trustworthiness, bias, and interpretability. Such factors can make managing these models impractical for many organizations, while their "black-box'' nature undermines key aspects, including transparency and accountability. In this paper, we question the prevailing assumption that increasing model parameters is always the optimal path forward, provided there is sufficient new data to learn additional patterns. In particular, we advocate for a Neurosymbolic research direction that combines the strengths of existing DL techniques (e.g., LLMs) with traditional symbolic methods--renowned for their reliability, speed, and determinism. To this end, we outline the core features and present preliminary results for our envisioned approach, aimed at establishing the first NeuroSymbolic Program Comprehension (NsPC) framework to aid in identifying defective code components.
  3. Resource-Efficient & Effective Code Summarization

    ACM 2nd International Conference on AI Foundation Models and Software Engineering (FORGE 2025)

    Code Language Models (CLMs) have demonstrated high effectiveness in automating software engineering tasks, such as bug fixing, code generation, and code documentation. This progress has been driven by the scaling of large models, ranging from millions to trillions of parameters (e.g., GPT-4). However, as models grow in scale, sustainability concerns emerge, as they are extremely resource intensive, highlighting the need for efficient, environmentally conscious solutions. GreenAI techniques, such as QLoRA, offer a promising path for dealing with large models' sustainability as they enable resource-efficient model fine-tuning. Previous research has shown the effectiveness of QLoRA in code-related tasks, particularly those involving natural language inputs and code as the target output (NL-to-Code), such as code generation. However, no studies have explored its application to tasks that are fundamentally similar to NL-to-Code but operate in the opposite direction, such as code summarization. This leaves a gap in understanding how well QLoRA can generalize to Code-to-NL tasks, which are equally important for supporting developers in understanding and maintaining code. To address this gap, we investigate the extent to which QLoRA's capabilities in NL-to-Code tasks can be leveraged and transferred to code summarization--that we use as representative of Code-to-NL tasks. Our study evaluates two state-of-the-art CLMs (CodeLlama and DeepSeek-Coder) across two programming languages: Python and Java. Each model was tasked with generating a meanigful code description for the underlying code component. The findings of our research confirm previous patterns that emerged when applying QLoRA to source code generation. Notably, we observe that QLoRA not only allows efficient fine-tuning of CLMs for code summarization but also achieves the best results with minimal parameter adjustment compared to full model fine-tuning, which requires expensive recalibration of all model parameters in the traditional fine-tuning process.


  1. A Taxonomy of Self-Admitted Technical Debt in Deep Learning Systems

    IEEE 40th International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME'24)

    The development of Machine Learning (ML)- and, more recently, of Deep Learning (DL)-intensive systems requires suitable choices, e.g., in terms of technology, algorithms, and hyper-parameters. Such choices depend on developers' experience, as well as on proper experimentation. Due to limited time availability, developers may adopt suboptimal, sometimes temporary choices, leading to a technical debt (TD) specifically related to the ML code. This paper empirically analyzes the presence of Self-Admitted Technical Debt (SATD) in DL systems. After selecting 100 open-source Python projects using popular DL frameworks, we identified SATD from their source comments and created a stratified sample of 443 SATD to analyze manually. We derived a taxonomy of DL-specific SATD through open coding, featuring seven categories and 41 leaves. The identified SATD categories pertain to different aspects of DL models, some of which are technological (e.g., due to hardware or libraries) and some related to suboptimal choices in the DL process, model usage, or configuration. Our findings indicate that DL-specific SATD differs from DL bugs found in previous studies, as it typically pertains to suboptimal solutions rather than functional (\eg blocking) problems. Last but not least, we found that state-of-the-art static analysis tools do not help developers avoid such problems, and therefore, specific support is needed to cope with DL-specific SATD.
  1. The Rise and Fall (?) of Software Engineering

    Software Engineering in 2030

    Over the last ten years, the realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has experienced an explosion of revolutionary breakthroughs, transforming what seemed like a far-off dream into a reality that is now deeply embedded in our everyday lives. AI's widespread impact is revolutionizing virtually all aspects of human life, and software engineering (SE) is no exception. As we explore this changing landscape, we are faced with questions about what the future holds for SE and how AI will reshape the roles, duties, and methodologies within the field. The introduction of these groundbreaking technologies highlights the inevitable shift towards a new paradigm, suggesting a future where AI's capabilities may redefine the boundaries of SE, potentially even more than human input. In this paper, we aim at outlining the key elements that, based on our expertise, are vital for the smooth integration of AI into SE, all while preserving the intrinsic human creativity that has been the driving force behind the field. First, we provide a brief description of SE and AI evolution. Afterward, we delve into the intricate interplay between AI-driven automation and human innovation, exploring how these two components can work together to advance SE practices to new methods and standards.
  1. Unveiling ChatGPT’s Usage in Open Source Projects: A Mining-based Study

    IEEE/ACM 21s International Conference on Mining Software Repository (MSR'24)

    Distinguished Paper Award!

    Large Language Models (LLMs) have gained significant attention in the software engineering community. Nowadays developers have the possibility to exploit these models through industrial-grade tools providing a handy interface toward LLMs, such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT. While the potential of LLMs in assisting developers across several tasks has been documented in the literature, there is a lack of empirical evidence mapping the actual usage of LLMs in software projects. In this work, we aim at filling such a gap. First, we mine 1,501 commits, pull requests (PRs), and issues from open-source projects by matching regular expressions likely to indicate the us- age of ChatGPT to accomplish the task. Then, we manually analyze these instances, discarding false positives (i.e., instances in which ChatGPT was mentioned but not actually used) and categorizing the task automated in the 467 true positive instances (165 com- mits, 159 PRs, 143 issues). This resulted in a taxonomy of 45 tasks which developers automate via ChatGPT. The taxonomy, accom- panied with representative examples, provides (i) developers with valuable insights on how to exploit LLMs in their workflow and (ii) researchers with a clear overview of tasks that, according to developers, could benefit from automated solutions
  1. How do Hugging Face Models Document Datasets, Bias, and Licenses? An Empirical Study

    IEEE/ACM 32nd International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC'24)

    Distinguished Paper Award!

    Pre-trained Machine Learning (ML) models help to create ML- intensive systems without having to spend conspicuous resources on training a new model from the ground up. However, the lack of transparency for such models could lead to undesired consequences in terms of bias, fairness, trustworthiness of the underlying data, and, potentially even legal implications. Taking as a case study the transformer models hosted by Hugging Face, a popular hub for pre-trained ML models, this paper empirically investigates the transparency of pre-trained transformer models. We look at the extent to which model descriptions (i) specify the datasets being used for their pre-training, (ii) discuss their possible training bias, (iii) declare their license, and whether projects using such models take these licenses into account. Results indicate that pre-trained models still have a limited exposure of their training datasets, pos- sible biases, and adopted licenses. Also, we found several cases of possible licensing violations by client projects. Our findings moti- vate further research to improve the transparency of ML models, which may result in the definition, generation, and adoption of Artificial Intelligence Bills of Materials
  1. How the Training Procedure Impacts the Performance of Deep Learning-based Vulnerability Patching

    IEEE/ACM 28th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE)

    Generative deep learning (DL) models have been successfully adopted for vulnerability patching. However, such models require the availability of a large dataset of patches to learn from. To overcome this issue, researchers have proposed to start from models pre-trained with general knowledge, either on the programming language or on similar tasks such as bug fixing. Despite the efforts in the area of automated vulnerability patching, there is a lack of systematic studies on how these different training procedures impact the performance of DL models for such a task. This paper provides a manyfold contribution to bridge this gap, by (i) comparing existing solutions of self-supervised and supervised pre-training for vulnerability patching; and (ii) for the first time, experimenting with different kinds of prompt-tuning for this task. The study required to train/test 23 DL models. We found that a supervised pre-training focused on bug-fixing, while expensive in terms of data collection, substantially improves DL-based vulnerability patching. When applying prompt-tuning on top of this supervised pre-trained model, there is no significant gain in performance. Instead, prompt-tuning is an effective and cheap solution to substantially boost the performance of self-supervised pre-trained models, i.e., those not relying on the bug-fixing pre-training.
  1. Towards Summarizing Code Snippets Using Pre-Trained Transformers

    IEEE/ACM 32nd International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC'24)

    When comprehending code, a helping hand may come from the natural language comments documenting it that, unfortunately, are not always there. To support developers in such a scenario, several techniques have been presented to automatically generate natural language summaries for a given code. Most recent approaches exploit deep learning (DL) to automatically document classes or functions, while very little effort has been devoted to more fine-grained documentation (e.g., documenting code snippets or even a single statement). Such a design choice is dictated by the availability of training data: For example, in the case of Java, it is easy to create datasets composed by pairs that can be fed to DL models to teach them how to summarize a method. Such a comment-to-code linking is instead non-trivial when it comes to inner comments (i.e., comments within a function) documenting a few statements. In this work, we take all steps needed to train a DL model to automatically document code snippets. First, we manually built a dataset featuring 6.6k comments that have been (i) classified based on their type (e.g., code summary, TODO), and (ii) linked to the code statements they document. Second, we used such a dataset to train a multi-task DL model taking as input a comment and being able to (i) classify whether it represents a "code summary" or not, and (ii) link it to the code statements it documents. Our trained model identifies code summaries with 84% accuracy and is able to link them to the documented lines of code with recall and precision higher than 80%. Third, we run this model on 10k open source projects, automatically identifying code summaries and linking them to the related documented code. This allowed to build a large-scale dataset of documented code snippets that has then been used to train a new DL model able to automatically document code snippets. A comparison with state-of-the-art baselines show the superiority of the proposed approach which, however, is still far from representing an accurate solution for snippet summarization.
  1. Evaluating Code Summarization Techniques: A New Metric and an Empirical Characterization

    IEEE/ACM 46th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'24)

    Several code summarization techniques have been proposed in the literature to automatically document a code snippet or a function. Ideally, software developers should be involved in assessing the quality of the generated summaries. However, in most cases, researchers rely on automatic evaluation metrics such as BLEU, ROUGE, and METEOR. These metrics are all based on the same assumption: The higher the textual similarity between the generated summary and a reference summary written by developers, the higher its quality. However, there are two reasons for which this assumption falls short: (i) reference summaries, e.g., code comments collected by mining software repositories, may be of low quality or even outdated; (ii) generated summaries, while using a different wording than a reference one, could be semantically equivalent to it, thus still being suitable to document the code snippet. In this paper, we perform a thorough empirical investigation on the complementarity of different types of metrics in capturing the quality of a generated summary. Also, we propose to address the limitations of existing metrics by considering a new dimension, capturing the extent to which the generated summary aligns with the semantics of the documented code snippet, independently from the reference summary. To this end, we present a new metric based on contrastive learning to capture said aspect. We empirically show that the inclusion of this novel dimension enables a more effective representation of developers' evaluations regarding the quality of automatically generated summaries.
  1. Toward Automatically Completing GitHub Workflows

    IEEE/ACM 46th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'24)

    Continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) are nowadays at the core of software development. Their benefits come at the cost of setting up and maintaining the CI/CD pipeline, which requires knowledge and skills often orthogonal to those entailed in other software-related tasks. While several recommender systems have been proposed to support developers across a variety of tasks, little automated support is available when it comes to setting up and maintaining CI/CD pipelines. We present GH-WCOM (GitHub Workflow COMpletion), a Transformer-based approach supporting developers in writing a specific type of CI/CD pipelines, namely GitHub workflows. To deal with such a task, we designed an abstraction process to help the learning of the transformer while still making GH-WCOM able to recommend very peculiar workflow elements such as tool options and scripting elements. Our empirical study shows that GH-WCOM provides up to 34.23% correct predictions, and the model's confidence is a reliable proxy for the recommendations' correctness likelihood.


  1. Towards Automatically Addressing Self-Admitted Technical Debt: How Far Are We?

    IEEE/ACM 38th International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE'23)

    Upon evolving their software, organizations and individual developers have to spend a substantial effort to pay back technical debt, i.e., the fact that software is released in a shape not as good as it should be, e.g., in terms of functionality, reliability, or maintainability. This paper empirically investigates the extent to which technical debt can be automatically paid back by neural-based generative models, and in particular models exploiting different strategies for pre-training and fine-tuning. We start by extracting a dateset of 5,039 Self-Admitted Technical Debt (SATD) removals from 595 open-source projects. SATD refers to technical debt instances documented (e.g., via code comments) by developers. We use this dataset to experiment with seven different generative deep learning (DL) model configurations. Specifically, we compare transformers pre-trained and fine-tuned with different combinations of training objectives, including the fixing of generic code changes, SATD removals, and SATD-comment prompt tuning. Also, we investigate the applicability in this context of a recently-available Large Language Model (LLM)-based chat bot. Results of our study indicate that the automated repayment of SATD is a challenging task, with the best model we experimented with able to automatically fix ~2% to 8% of test instances, depending on the number of attempts it is allowed to make. Given the limited size of the fine-tuning dataset (~5k instances), the model's pre-training plays a fundamental role in boosting performance. Also, the ability to remove SATD steadily drops if the comment documenting the SATD is not provided as input to the model. Finally, we found general-purpose LLMs to not be a competitive approach for addressing SATD.
  1. On the Robustness of Code Generation Techniques: An empirical Study on Github Copilot

    IEEE/ACM 45th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'23)

    Software engineering research has always being concerned with the improvement of code completion approaches, which suggest the next tokens a developer will likely type while coding. The release of GitHub Copilot constitutes a big step forward, also because of its unprecedented ability to automatically generate even entire functions from their natural language description. While the usefulness of Copilot is evident, it is still unclear to what extent it is robust. Specifically, we do not know the extent to which semantic-preserving changes in the natural language description provided to the model have an effect on the generated code function. In this paper we present an empirical study in which we aim at understanding whether different but semantically equivalent natural language descriptions result in the same recommended function. A negative answer would pose questions on the robustness of deep learning (DL)-based code generators since it would imply that developers using different wordings to describe the same code would obtain different recommendations. We asked Copilot to automatically generate 892 Java methods starting from their original Javadoc description. Then, we generated different semantically equivalent descriptions for each method both manually and automatically, and we analyzed the extent to which predictions generated by Copilot changed. Our results show that modifying the description results in different code recommendations in ~46% of cases. Also, differences in the semantically equivalent descriptions might impact the correctness of the generated code ~28%.
  1. Automatically Generating Dockerfiles via Deep Learning: Challenges and Promises

    IEEE/ACM 17th International Conference on Software and System Processes (ICSSP'23)

    Containerization allows developers to define the execution environment in which their software needs to be installed. Docker is the leading platform in this field, and developers that use it are required to write a Dockerfile for their software. Writing Dockerfiles is far from trivial, especially when the system has unusual requirements for its execution environment. Despite several tools exist to support developers in writing Dockerfiles, none of them is able to generate entire Dockerfiles from scratch given a high-level specification of the requirements of the execution environment. In this paper, we present a study in which we aim at understanding to what extent Deep Learning (DL), which has been proven successful for other coding tasks, can be used for this specific coding task. We preliminarily defined a structured natural language specification for Dockerfile requirements and a methodology that we use to automatically infer the requirements from the largest dataset of Dockerfiles currently available. We used the obtained dataset, with 670,982 instances, to train and test a Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer (T5) model, following the current state-of-the-art procedure for coding tasks, to automatically generate Dockerfiles from the structured specifications. The results of our evaluation show that T5 performs similarly to the more trivial IR-based baselines we considered. We also report the open challenges associated with the application of deep learning in the context of Dockerfile generation.


  1. Using Deep Learning to Generate Complete Log Statements

    IEEE/ACM 44th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'22)

    Logging is a practice widely adopted in several phases of the software lifecycle. For example, during software development log statements allow engineers to verify and debug the system by exposing fine-grained information of the running software. While the benefits of logging are undisputed, taking proper decisions about where to inject log statements, what information to log, and at which log level (e.g., error, warning) is crucial for the logging effectiveness. In this paper, we present LANCE (Log stAtemeNt reCommEnder), the first approach supporting developers in all these decisions. LANCE features a Text-To-Text-Transfer-Transformer (T5) model that has been trained on 6,894,456 Java methods. LANCE takes as input a Java method and injects in it a full log statement, including a human-comprehensible logging message and properly choosing the needed log level and the statement location. Our results show that LANCE is able to (i) properly identify the location in the code where to inject the statement in 65.9% of Java methods requiring it; (ii) selecting the proper log level in 66.2% of cases; and (iii) generate a completely correct log statement including a meaningful logging message in 15.2% of cases.
  1. Using Pre-Trained Models to Boost Code Review Automation

    IEEE/ACM 44th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'22)

    Code review is a practice widely adopted in open source and industrial projects. Given the non-negligible cost of such a process, researchers started investigating the possibility of automating specific code review tasks. We recently proposed Deep Learning (DL) models targeting the automation of two tasks: the first model takes as input a code submitted for review and implements in it changes likely to be recommended by a reviewer; the second takes as input the submitted code and a reviewer comment posted in natural language and automatically implements the change required by the reviewer. While the preliminary results we achieved are encouraging, both models had been tested in rather simple code review scenarios, substantially simplifying the targeted problem. This was also due to the choices we made when designing both the technique and the experiments. In this paper, we build on top of that work by demonstrating that a pre-trained Text-To-Text Transfer Transformer (T5) model can outperform previous DL models for automating code review tasks. Also, we conducted our experiments on a larger and more realistic (and challenging) dataset of code review activities.


  1. An Empirical Study on Code Comment Completion

    IEEE/ACM 37th International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME'21)

    Code comments play a prominent role in program comprehension activities. However, source code is not always documented and code and comments not always co-evolve. To deal with these issues, researchers have proposed techniques to automatically generate comments documenting a given code at hand. The most recent works in the area applied deep learning (DL) techniques to support such a task. Despite the achieved advances, the empirical evaluations of these approaches show that they are still far from a performance level that would make them valuable for developers. We tackle a simpler and related problem: Code comment completion. Instead of generating a comment for a given code from scratch, we investigate the extent to which state-of-the-art techniques can help developers in writing comments faster. We present a large-scale study in which we empirically assess how a simple n-gram model and the recently proposed Text-To-Text Transfer Transformer (T5) architecture can perform in autocompleting a code comment the developer is typing. The achieved results show the superiority of the T5 model, despite the n-gram model being a competitive solution.
  1. Studying the Usage of Text-To-Text Transfer Transformer to Support Code-Related Tasks

    IEEE/ACM 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'21)

    Deep learning (DL) techniques are gaining more and more attention in the software engineering community. They have been used to support several code-related tasks, such as automatic bug fixing and code comments generation. Recent studies in the Natural Language Processing (NLP) field have shown that the Text-To-Text Transfer Transformer (T5) architecture can achieve state-of-the-art performance for a variety of NLP tasks. The basic idea behind T5 is to first pre-train a model on a large and generic dataset using a self-supervised task ( e.g: filling masked words in sentences). Once the model is pre-trained, it is fine-tuned on smaller and specialized datasets, each one related to a specific task ( e.g: language translation, sentence classification). In this paper, we empirically investigate how the T5 model performs when pre-trained and fine-tuned to support code-related tasks. We pre-train a T5 model on a dataset composed of natural language English text and source code. Then, we fine-tune such a model by reusing datasets used in four previous works that used DL techniques to: (i) fix bugs, (ii) inject code mutants, (iii) generate assert statements, and (iv) generate code comments. We compared the performance of this single model with the results reported in the four original papers proposing DL-based solutions for those four tasks. We show that our T5 model, exploiting additional data for the self-supervised pre-training phase, can achieve performance improvements over the four baselines.